“May Divine Grace be upon you all always”.
Writing an obituary for a dear friend and classmate like Shambhu (Nilgiri House: 1955-‘60) has been a difficult task for me, as perhaps it would be for most of us. Mourning in silence is much easier as it does away with the choking sensation while getting the right words out in expression. Shambhu was a strong person through and through character, personality, and presence. Coming from a humble background, he worked his way in life with grit and determination to be at the top of his chosen profession. Superannuating as an Executive Director with NALCO, he during the post-retirement phase (settled at Nagpur) was appointed Chairman of the National Task Force on Non-Ferrous Metals for three years by the Government of India. At school he excelled in academics, having always obtained positions in class amongst the top three. He was a superb swimmer having unique diving skills. I can not forget his pulling me out of the swimming pool and saving me from drowning - even though we were not on talking terms during those days.
Lalit Dhawan, also our classmate shares his feelings as such : “The sad demise of our house/classmate and friend Shambu came as a rude shock. Though we diversified and drifted into various walks of life, academically and professionally, the memories of the school days lingered on. Shambhu was a good friend always ready in the time of need. He was always there, ready to help me with my Hindi lessons, and much as he tried, probably I just did not meet up to his expectations. But he never gave up, following the school motto “Never Give In “.
Many a time I tried to find out his whereabouts but as in school, failed. Finally, when I did get to know and hear about him I failed again to meet him before his departure. I regret that.”
Dear friend Shambu, may you rest in peace where ever you are, not in body but soul. We who knew you will always miss you as a kind-hearted friend ready to be there for helping out. God bless you and take care of your soul.”
He leaves behind his wife Mridula, daughter Neha, son-in-law Mahesh, and a host of relatives and friends to mourn the loss. May the Almighty impart eternal peace to his noble soul and strength and courage to the family to bear the loss.
“Say not in grief ‘he is no more but in thankfulness that he was.” Thank you dear Shambhu for being you.
- Vijay P Puri: NBD ‘60
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