Presentation of the New Colours 13th March 1922
A Detachment of one hundred boys with the necessary staff, (Company Sergeant Major G. H. Foster, Sergeant Instructor A. R. Hawkes and Sergeant Instructor A. K Baker), under Major The Reverend G. D. Barne, O.B.E,, M.A. (Principal), represented the School at the Presentation of New Colours by His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales in Dehra Dun on 13th March 1922. Assistant Surgeon G. Aling went with the Detachment in medical charge.
The full ceremonial as laid down by Army Regulations was carried out.
The Old Colours were presented to the School by the Earl of Dalhousie in 1853 and have been carried continuously ever since that date. The new King's Colour was presented by the Army Department and the new School Colour by Sir Alexander Lawrence, Bart., grandson of the Founder, in memory of his father the late Sir Henry Waldemar Lawrence, Bart. A full account of the Presentation appeared in the papers. It will however be sufficient for the purpose of this report merely to quote the Prince’s speech and the Principal's reply on behalf of the School.
His Royal Highness said:- "I should feel proud to belong to a College, which was founded by the brave Sir Henry Lawrence, which was built and started by the gallant Major Hodson and to which my father gave the name of Royal in recognition of the services of its old boys during the Great War. To boys belonging to this College I need not explain the meaning of Colours. All soldiers' sons take pride in Colours, such as their fathers have served under. Your old Colours will now hang in your chapel, to remind you of the record of your old boys. Your new Colours I entrust to your keeping. Cover them with glory and honour; may they be an inspiration to you to serve your King and country as faithfully as John and Henry Lawrence did in the hour of need."
The Principal replied as follows:- "Your Royal Highness, it is my privilege as Principal of the Lawrence Royal Military School and also on behalf of Old Sanawarians scattered throughout the Empire to express to you our most dutiful and grateful thanks for the high honour which you have done the School in presenting these new Colours this morning. Today is indeed a red letter day in our annals. It will be our endeavour to carry these Colours fearlessly and without reproach, always bearing in mind their sacred symbolism and continuously inspired by the gracious words Your Royal Highness has addressed to us."
D.V. Boddington
(LRMS Sanawar 1942-1947)
May 2005
Extract from the Annual Report on the Lawrence Royal Military School, Sanawar for the year ending 31st March 1922 to the Chief of the General Staff, Army Headquarters, Simla, India by The Reverend G. D. Barne O.B.E., M.A., Princip
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